Dr. Cherry A. Collier

Dr. J. Sue Stein, PCC

Sue Stein is an executive and leadership coach with more than 20 years’ experience, providing executive coaching and leadership services to individuals, groups, senior leadership and other coaches.

Prior to opening her own coaching and consulting business in 2012, Sue excelled as a senior manager in multiple program and leadership roles throughout the federal Government. Sue’s work has provided support for more than 2dozen different career fields, from transportation, acquisition, logistics, financial management, human resources, law, medicine, law enforcement, information systems, policy, customer relations and more.

In additional to her work with Personality Matters Inc., Sue is an instructor and course manager for coach training for the University of Government Coaching (UGC). UGC courses are accredited by the International Coaching Federation(ICF). The UGC’s mission is to prepare both internal and external coaches for supporting Government individuals and groups at all levels.

Sue is honored to have serve dada senior civil an leader for Do Dina variety of capacities from senior designer/coach/director of the DoD SES boot camp for new executives, head of quality control & curriculum for Defense Acquisition University to DoD Director of Academics for high performing leaders at all levels.

Sue would be honored to work with you and committed as you rally in helping you to pursue your goals professionally as you move forward in your career. As a learning ally, she will challenge and support you to set and pursue your goals, become a more trusted and collaborative group member, and a more balance and fulfilled individual.

Partial List of Past and Present Clientele:

Government: Department of Transportation; DoD Washington Headquarters Services (WHS-Pentagon), Defense Acquisition University (DAU), Defense Finance and Accounting Service (DCPAS), Defense Logistics Agency (DLA), U.S. Army, U.S. Air Force, U.S. Coast Guard, U.S. Navy; Internal Revenue Service (IRS); U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), U.S. Department of the Interior; Health & Human Services (HHS);
U.S. Customs & Immigration Service (USCIS); Center for Disease Control (CDC); Library of Congress; Veterans Affairs. Commercial: Disney, Humana, Fleet Wash and Lasik Spine Institute. Universities: University of South Florida (USF), University of Tampa Executive MBA program and University of Government Coaching. Non-Profit: NARFE of Florida

Relevant Experience for The Federal Sector and Its Senior Level Executives:

  • Coached all levels of clients for Department of Transportation.
  • Coached SES level both career and political appointees.
  • Coached groups and teams of professionals for new organizational standups and for major process/policy changes.

Assessments & Certifications:

  • Numerous 360 leadership 360s (DDI, PDI,LEI)
  • CDR
  • CDP & TKI
  • DiSC
  • FIRO-B
  • Clark Wilson720

Areas of Expertise

ICF Coaching Credential

Additional Recognized Credentials:

Industry & Sector Experience:
