Dr. Cherry A. Collier

#askdrcherry on Overcoming Procrastination

Happy day #ConfessedProcrastinator-First off, do not be hard on yourself. We all procrastinate from time to time. It happens when we avoid tasks that we... Read More

#askdrcherry on Work-Life Balance

Happy day #IAmaWorkaholic-I applaud you in seeking information to help yourself. I know the risks involved in decreased productivity especially in your environment. Doing overtime work... Read More

#askdrcherry on Aggressiveness vs. Assertiveness

Happy day #SoCalledAggressive-Knowing the difference between assertiveness and aggressiveness can often save you from a lot of conflict, can improve your personal and professional relationships... Read More

#askdrcherry on Achieving Your Goals

Happy day #Goalkeeper-Goals are powerful ideas to have but so much of the guiding power of goals become weakened when they are not used to... Read More